Assignment Questions
1.      What is transistor biasing? Explain the four conditions that should be met for a transistor to act as a faithful amplifier.
2.      Explain the DC analysis and the load line analysis for a fixed bias circuit in a common emitter configuration.
3.      Explain the DC analysis and the load line analysis for a Emitter bias circuit in a common emitter configuration. Also list the advantages and disadvantages.
4.      Perform the DC Analysis for a Voltage divider bias with emitter bias circuit using the accurate method.
5.      Perform the DC Analysis for a Voltage divider bias with emitter bias circuit using the approximate method. List the advantages and disadvantages.
6.      Perform the DC analysis for a collector to base bias configuration circuit. List the advantages and disadvantages.
7.      Explain the operating point considerations in Thermal runaway and infer that for small signal transistors the problem of thermal runaway is not so critical, whereas for power transistors it’s a major problem.
8.      What is a transistor switch? Explain the transistor switching delays with a neat diagram.
9.      Explain the UJT operational principle.
10.  Explain the UJT Relaxation Oscillator circuit.
11.  What is SCR? Explain the V-I & Gate triggering characteristics of SCR.
12.  Solve all the example problems and objective type questions given in the text book for this unit.

Assignment Questions
1.      List the differences between BJTs and FETs.
2.      Explain the principle of operation of an N-channel JFET. Also explain the output characteristics curve.
3.      What is a MOSFET? Discuss the construction, principle of operation and Characteristic parameters of N-Channel DE-MOSFET.
4.      Discuss the construction, principle of operation and characteristic curves of an N-channel E-MOSFET.
5.      List the differences between JFETs and MOSFETs.
6.      Discuss the popular biasing configurations for E-MOSFETs.
7.      List the various FET applications.
8.      Explain the working of a CMOS inverter.
9.      Write a note on IGBTs. Also discuss the output characteristics of an N-channel IGBT. List the problems associated with IGBTs.
10.  Solve all the example problems and objective type questions given in the text book for this unit.