Course objectives:
Electronic circuits is an important subject in the course of computer science and engineering. It is so because it is essential to understanding the operational basics and design of linear integrated circuits, digital electronic devices and electronic circuits. It is essential for students and engineers to understand electronic devices and circuits and also the building blocks of electronics configured around them. Course Objectives:
1) To provide students with a theoretical and practical base in Electronic circuits.

2) To understand the basic concepts and circuits in Transistors, UJTs, and Thyristors, Field Effect Transistors, Optoelectronic Devices, Small Signal Analysis of Amplifiers, Large Signal Amplifiers, Feedback Amplifier, Sinusoidal Oscillators, Wave-Shaping Circuits, Linear Power Supplies, Switched mode Power Supplies and Operational Amplifiers.

3) To implement a selected number of circuits in the laboratory using the various electronic components and the simulating software and observe the behavior of circuits and analyze the results. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course a student will:
1. Understand the basics concepts in electronic circuits.

2. Ability to design, implement , and analyze simple circuits.

3. Knowledge of contemporary issues in electronic circuits.

4. Ability to mathematically deduce and prove certain important concepts and derive expressions for basic electronic circuit parameters.

                                                            Course Objectives

The objective of this subject is to learn the core concepts behind object-oriented programming: objects, messages, classes, and inheritance. And also to learn the traditional features of the java language, including variables, arrays, data types, operators, and control flow, how to write the classes from which objects are created, and how to create and use the objects. This subject also describes the way in which we can derive one class from another. We will learn that all classes are derived from the object class, and how to modify the methods that a subclass inherits from super classes and how to use Number and String objects. We also learn a feature of the Java programming language that helps us to organize and structure our classes and their relationships to one another.

    This subject helps us in understanding J2EE, JDBC/ODBC, servlet, JSP, RMI, enterprice JAVA bean.
Learning outcome and application in relation to computer science1.      Student should be able to define Internet architecture and explain its fundamental concept.

2.      Should be able to know, how various parts of the Web Services and Interconnectivity and Database fit into one whole.

3.      Will be able to know set of different methods/algorithm and approach used.

4.      Students then have a context in which to place the various topics as they progress through the course.

The course subject attempts to provide a balanced view of all important programming language. This is very big challenge in the typical one-semester advanced course which has very limited time available. As the web technologies and services are extremely complex systems consisting of many components whose operation depends on many different objects.  
This course enables to design the web service architecture and solve for a given problem and allows you to describe the efficiency of various methods and algorithm used in secured communication service.
 This course is the key concept to build any web application any software engineering tool component, mobile or any other system to design and develop the Database technology, networking and communication services.
Hence the purpose of this course is to introduce, computer engineering to the core of high level programming concepts and to their applications in these emerging technologies for web services. Without this there is no use of client and server side application communication and also would be legacy of using the Internet, web services and multimedia applications.